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Overflow Pools

Overflow pools enchaces the elegance of your overall outdoor architecture.

An overflow pool, also known as an infinity pool or negative-edge pool, is a stunning and visually striking swimming pool design that creates the illusion of water extending to the horizon. In an overflow pool, the water level is intentionally designed to overflow from one or more edges, creating a seamless transition between the pool and its surroundings.

The overflowing water is captured in a catch basin or trough and recirculated back into the pool, creating a continuous cycle. This design not only offers a captivating visual effect but also serves practical purposes. Overflow pools effectively eliminate the problem of surface debris accumulating in the pool, as any debris is carried over the edge with the overflowing water.

Overflow pools are often favored for their dramatic aesthetic, as the water appears to merge with the landscape, ocean, or skyline, resulting in an ethereal and mesmerizing effect. These pools are particularly popular for properties with scenic views, such as those overlooking oceans, lakes, or cityscapes.



Themistocleous 3, Lakatamia, Nicosia 2325

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